Tuesday, July 14, 2009

landfill ballot deliberations

Here's the NCTV coverage of the city council's 07-09-09 discussion of the initiative(s) to place the question of the landfill expansion on the ballot. Two sections. Final vote--to send the issue to the ordinance committee, 7 in favor, 2 opposed--Bardsley and M. LaBarge.

Lots of brou-ha-ha about whether this is a citizens' initiative or a councilors' initiative and what that might mean from a legal perspective. Lots of discussion about the wording of the initiative.

According to Councilor Dostal, the BPW/Stantec "options study" is due out within the next week. This long-delayed study is supposed to look at what the city's options will be if the landfill is not expanded.

Special city council meeting, July 30, 7 p.m., on the issue.

Video courtesy of Northampton Community Television.